Happy Anniversary To Me!
I started thinking today.. I have officially been selling my designs for one year! I opened my site; Second Mile Designs; in March of 2005.. Then Nancie and I joined up together at ScrapArtist at the first part of August 2005. And, oh how the time has FLOWN! Will my life ever really be the same again??
Designing is one of those things that just gets into your blood.(Well at least for me!) I have become obsessed with it! There is not a day that goes by that I don't do at least a little bit of designing. Even if it is just a layout; or two ;)
I am hopelessly addicted to it! And I find that I am most happy when I have some kind of something in the works. My mind likes to Mull.. I am constantly thinking; scouring everything for new ideas.. And when I watch TV; or go to the supermarket; The very first thing I see is pattern and colors.. I just can't help it!
I am SO VERY fortunate that my family supports me as much as they do! My husband pretty much takes over everything on his days off and lets me work. And when I forget to stop and take a break;(or to eat!) He gently reminds me that there is more to life then designing! And yes, he is right.. But still..
Then there is my daughter, Brenna. She is only six; but she is so mature. She loves playing with her baby sister, Lorynn. (Who is Two and quite a handful at times!) But they play so well together. And when they play well; I always sneak in a quick minute or two..
Anyhow; I seem to have digressed.. Basically the point of this entire post; Is that I am thankful! I love being able to have this wonderfully artistic outlet that allows me to express myself in whatever way I see fit. I love that I can create a layout made entirely with papers and elements that I created myself.. And I love having the opportunity to share my creations! It is SO AMAZING to hop on a gallery and see that other people want to use my designs to create their own works of art.
I am also SO VERY THANKFUL for Nancie and Lisa; I love those girls! They are so supportive and generous, and I feel very blessed to have found them. I am very proud of ScrapArtist. It has really grown into a wonderful community; We have an awe inspiring creative team. A fantastic group of women who are all so generous with their time; and so talented! I guess I just feel blessed!
SO, I thought I would share this little freebie; Just a small token of my gratitude. (and to reward you for actually reading this freaking long post!)
Click on the image to download this paper pack. Just a little freebie for all of my many friends ;) Thank you for everything you do! And here's to another great year!
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